Joe Crump - Real Estate Investing Partner Program

"Overworked Real Estate Investor Needs Help"

"I will teach you the business!"

(Get My Free Info Package)

From The Desk Of Joe Crump
Subject: "Partner Wanted" Ad
Thursday Evening - 9:45pm


Thank you for responding to my "Help Wanted " ad. My business is growing so fast, I can't handle all of the business. I need more partners to expand. If you are the right type of person, I will partner with you and teach you the business.

If you are interested... please read more.

My name is Joe Crump and I am a full time real estate investor. I am also an internationally known teacher of real estate investing techniques.

I started investing in real estate in 1986 and bought $17 million dollars in property during my first 3 years in the business. I'm very good at what I do and have an enormous amount of hands-on, hard knocks experience.

My business is growing so fast, I can't keep up. Because of the powerful automated (online) marketing techniques I've developed, I have so many motivated sellers calling me who have homes they want to get rid of, that I need some help handling them all... that is why I put up this web site.

Here is the type of person I'm looking for:

  • You must be willing to follow through with instructions. I have a step-by-step system that I require everyone to use when they start with me. I show you exactly what you need to do to put deals together and make us both money.
  • You must have access to a phone and a voice mail or be willing to get access. You will do most of the work from your home. Having access to a computer would also be helpful.
  • You must be someone who is decisive. Making quick decisions is imperative to success in this business. If you don't make quick decisions, your competitor will and you will lose the deal for us. I'm going to teach you an important phrase right now, "I'll take it... unless I change my mind." Learning to think like this phrase will make you rich if you follow my directions.
  • You must be willing to invest some time and some money into this business. Even though my deals are zero down, there are still a few minor investments you will need to make to build your infrastructure. If you are unwilling to invest a dime into your education, I will not be able to work with you. Please understand, I am not looking for financial backers... I don't need partners to loan me money. I have what I need to get the job done.
  • You do NOT need any money for down payments on these deals. I only do "true" zero down deals.
  • I don't care what your credit looks like. It can be terrible and it won't make any difference to me. You will never need your credit to buy property when you work with me.
  • You must be ethical and honorable in your business dealings. We approach each deal with a "servant" attitude. It is our goal to help the sellers and the buyers we work with to get out of difficult financial situations... and just like heart surgeons or other high paid professionals, we expect you to get paid *very* well for your ethical, honorable, valuable services.
  • Last and most importantly... you must have a burning desire to succeed. I don't mean to sound harsh here, but if you don't have the desire to succeed, I'm not interested in working with you. The people who I work with personally are going to take off like a rocket. If I told you how much money you can make in this business if you follow my proven system, you would not believe me... so I'm going to keep my mouth shut on that for now.


If you fit the above criteria and I haven't scared you away with all my demands, here is what I'm going to ask you to do...

Register for my free info packet below.

There is no charge for this packet. It will explain the entire program and how it works. You will learn how we can work together, what the profit potential is and how we will share in those profits.

I put this info packet together so I can fully respond to everyone who has answered my "help wanted" ad. This info packet will explain exactly what I am doing and what you need to do if you want to work with me. I've found that there are an awful lot of people out there who would take up my time if I tried to talk to everyone individually. Sending a packet like this will weed out the people who aren't serious about working with me. I hope this doesn't sound harsh or exclusionary... but the whole point of finding partners is to lighten my load, not increase it.

Please don't contact me about this partner program until you have poured over this info packet and understand it. After you have read what I have to say and you are still interested in working with me, I will be happy to talk to you in person and answer any additional questions you may have.

You are going to learn how I buy and sell real estate, without ever using my credit to get loans and without ever having to come up with a down payment.

You will learn how we can work together cashing in on deals that are everywhere, if you know where to look. I'm getting more deals dumped on me than I can handle right now and I really need some partners. These deals are all over the country... in every market imaginable. This is what my Internet savvy has done... fill my plate with more great deals than I can handle... even with all the other folks who are participating in this training program.

There is a lot to learn in this business and there is going to be a learning curve for you to get started. I'm going to show you how to make that learning curve as easy to deal with as possible.

But I tell you again, if you aren't serious about this, it just won't work. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme... it is a business building program and you have to treat it like a business.

So... if you think this business is the answer to your prayers, register for the free info packet at the bottom of this page.

A Word Of WARNING...

This program is NOT for everybody. I've taught a lot of people this business. Many, many of them have worked with me for a while and then gone on to build their own multi-million dollar real estate business. That is right and good and it makes me very happy to see these folks (now friends) succeed on such a high level.

If you are someone who doesn't feel this is right for you, but you are still curious about real estate and want more information about how I invest, don't fill out this form, instead, please go to my web site and opt-in to my free newsletter. I give away a lot of great information on how to succeed as an investor in that newsletter.

Well... I guess that's it for now... if you're still reading and I haven't made you angry, you may be the right person for the job. ;-) Fill out the form below and you will receive my free info packet.

I look forward to meeting you.

Best Wishes,
Joe Crump

PS - Take the "first step" in the qualifying process now and register for the free info packet.

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Just type in your name and email address below and click "Send Me The FREE Info Packet."

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